EATDEMY started as a simple idea: a space where food lovers and health-conscious individuals can come together to explore, learn, and share. With the plethora of dietary advice, food myths, and culinary trends out there, we felt the need for a platform that offers well-researched, easy-to-understand, and relatable content. Thus, Eatdemy was born.



Welcome to Eatdemy – Your Ultimate Eating Academy!

At Eatdemy, we believe that every bite we take, every dish we prepare, and every food choice we make is a step towards understanding the rich tapestry of culinary arts and dietary health. Our mission is to guide our readers through the vast and flavorful world of food, while also providing reliable insights on what’s best for different members of our families, from expecting moms to our furry companions.

  • World of Flavors
  • Travel the world through your taste buds with our curated recipes, regional food guides, and culinary secrets from every corner of the globe.
  • Dietary Guides
  • From understanding what’s safe for pregnant women to eat, to exploring the do’s and don’ts for pet diets, we’ve got you covered.
  • Health & Nutrition
  • Beyond taste, we delve deep into the health benefits and nutritional values of foods, helping you make informed dietary choices.

Eatdemy is committed to providing content that is:

  • Accurate: Backed by research and expert opinions.
  • Relatable: Written in an easy-to-understand language, without overwhelming jargons.
  • Engaging: We want to make learning about food as delightful as eating it!


Meet Us

Who are our Writers?

Behind Eatdemy is a passionate team of food writers, nutritionists, chefs, and pet lovers. Each member brings their unique expertise, ensuring our content is diverse and comprehensive.

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