The Best Pizza Recipe: How To Make Pizza At Home

Pizza is one of those foods that seems to have a special place in many people’s hearts. Whether it’s a cozy night in with a movie or a gathering with friends, pizza often takes center stage. But have you ever wondered where this delicious dish comes from?

The story of pizza starts in ancient times. Long before the pizza we know today, people in ancient civilizations like Egypt and Greece ate flatbreads with various toppings. These early versions were simple, often topped with herbs and olive oil.

Fast forward to Naples, Italy, in the late 18th century. This is where pizza began to look more like the dish we’re familiar with. The people of Naples started adding tomatoes to their flatbreads. Tomatoes were new to Europe at the time, brought back from the Americas. At first, many Europeans thought tomatoes were poisonous. But the Neapolitans took a chance on them, and soon, this tomato-topped bread became a local favorite.

It wasn’t until the 19th century that pizza began to spread beyond Italy’s borders. As people from Italy moved to other parts of the world, they took their love for pizza with them. When they reached places like the United States, they introduced locals to this delightful dish. Over time, pizza evolved, taking on new flavors and styles, depending on where it was made. [source]

Today, pizza is enjoyed worldwide, with countless variations. From the thin, crispy crusts of New York to the deep-dish style of Chicago, there’s a pizza for every preference. Toppings have also expanded far beyond the classic margherita of tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil. Now, you can find pizzas topped with everything from pineapple to barbecue chicken.

But what makes pizza so universally loved? Maybe it’s the perfect combination of a crispy crust, tangy sauce, melted cheese, and flavorful toppings. Or perhaps it’s the way pizza brings people together, shared among friends and family.

While ordering from a local pizzeria is always a treat, making pizza at home can be just as satisfying. It allows you to get creative, choose your favorite ingredients, and tailor the pizza to your liking. Plus, the smell of a pizza baking in your oven is hard to beat!

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of making your own pizza from scratch. From preparing the dough to choosing the right toppings, you’ll learn all the steps to create a pizza that rivals any restaurant.

Choosing the Right Ingredients for Your Pizza

Just like building a house requires sturdy and high-quality materials, making a mouthwatering pizza relies on the ingredients you choose. So, let’s get to know these ingredients better.

1. The Flour:
Flour is the backbone of your pizza dough. While many recipes call for all-purpose flour, there’s a special kind called “bread flour” that can give your crust that extra oomph. It has a bit more protein, which can make your dough stretchier and crispier.

2. The Yeast:
Yeast is a tiny helper that makes the dough rise. There are a couple of types out there. Instant yeast is popular because you can mix it straight into your flour. There’s also active dry yeast, which you’ll need to dissolve in warm water first.

3. The Tomatoes:
For many, a pizza isn’t complete without a rich tomato sauce. When picking tomatoes, go for the canned variety labeled “San Marzano.” These tomatoes are sweet and tangy, perfect for a classic pizza sauce. If you’re in the mood for something fresh, ripe, juicy tomatoes can be sliced and added as a topping.

4. The Cheese:
Mozzarella is the star in the world of pizza cheeses. It melts beautifully, giving you those lovely cheese pulls. However, if you’re feeling adventurous, there’s a whole world of cheeses to explore! Provolone, cheddar, and feta can add unique flavors to your pizza.

5. Meats and Proteins:
Pepperoni might be a fan favorite, but there are other meats to consider. Italian sausage, grilled chicken, and even anchovies can elevate your pizza. If you’re vegetarian, tofu or tempeh can be marinated and added for some protein.

6. Veggies and More:
Here’s where you can truly get creative. From bell peppers and onions to mushrooms and olives, the options are endless. For a burst of freshness, consider adding arugula or basil leaves after baking.

7. Oils and Herbs:
A drizzle of olive oil before baking can give your crust a golden touch. Once out of the oven, sprinkle some dried oregano or fresh basil for added aroma and flavor.

8. The Extras:
Some like their pizza with a kick. Red pepper flakes or a swirl of barbecue sauce can change the game. And if you’re into a mix of sweet and savory, why not try some pineapple chunks?

When shopping for these ingredients, here are a few tips:

  • Freshness Matters: Whether it’s veggies or meats, fresh ingredients make a difference. They bring out richer flavors and better textures.
  • Read Labels: Especially when buying canned items or sauces, check for added sugars or preservatives. The simpler the ingredient list, the better.
  • Local is Lovely: If you have local farmers’ markets or dairies, consider sourcing from them. Local ingredients can be fresher and might even support your community.

Making the Perfect Pizza Dough

Crafting the perfect pizza starts with its foundation: the dough. The dough sets the stage for every topping you’ll add later, so getting it right is key. Let’s dive into how to make a pizza dough that’s both tasty and easy to work with.

Ingredients You’ll Need:

  • Flour (bread flour or all-purpose)
  • Warm water
  • Yeast (instant or active dry)
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Sugar (optional)

Steps to Making Your Dough:

1. Mixing the Yeast:
If you’re using active dry yeast, mix it with warm water and let it sit for about 5 minutes. You’ll see it start to bubble or foam – that means it’s alive and working. If you’re using instant yeast, you can mix it directly with your flour.

2. Combining the Ingredients:
In a large bowl, add your flour. Make a little well in the middle, and pour in the yeast-water mixture. Add the olive oil, salt, and a touch of sugar if you like. The sugar can help feed the yeast and give a slightly sweeter crust.

3. Kneading the Dough:
Now comes the fun part! Use your hands to mix and knead the dough. Push, fold, and turn the dough for about 8-10 minutes. You’re looking for a smooth and elastic texture. If it’s too sticky, sprinkle a bit more flour. If it’s too dry, add a touch of water.

4. Letting the Dough Rise:
Place your kneaded dough in a bowl coated lightly with olive oil. Cover it with a cloth and let it sit in a warm place. It needs about 1 to 2 hours to rise. You’ll know it’s ready when it’s doubled in size.

5. Punch Down and Shape:
Once risen, punch the dough down gently to release any air bubbles. Then, you can start shaping it into your desired pizza shape. Whether you like it thin and crispy or thick and fluffy, shape it to your liking.

Helpful Tips for the Best Dough:

Temperature Matters:
Yeast is sensitive to temperature. Using water that’s too hot can kill it, while cold water might not activate it. Aim for warm water, similar to baby’s bathwater.

Resting Time:
Giving your dough enough time to rise is crucial. This resting period lets the yeast do its job, making the dough rise and giving it a lovely texture.

Practice Makes Perfect:
If your first batch of dough isn’t perfect, don’t worry! Making pizza dough is as much an art as it is a science. The more you make it, the better you’ll get.

Customize Your Dough:
Feel free to add herbs or spices to your dough for extra flavor. Dried oregano, garlic powder, or even some chili flakes can give a tasty twist.

Storing Extra Dough:
If you’ve made more dough than you need, you can store it in the fridge for a few days. Just make sure it’s in an airtight container. You can also freeze dough for longer storage. When you’re ready to use it, let it thaw and come to room temperature before baking.

Preparing the Pizza Sauce

A great pizza isn’t just about the dough or toppings; the sauce plays a starring role too. It’s the layer that brings everything together, adding moisture and a burst of flavor to every bite. While there are many ready-made sauces available in stores, making your own at home can be a game-changer. Let’s discover how to craft a delicious pizza sauce from scratch.

Basic Ingredients for Traditional Tomato Sauce:

  • Canned tomatoes (whole or crushed)
  • Olive oil
  • Fresh garlic cloves
  • Dried oregano
  • Dried basil
  • Salt
  • Sugar (optional)
  • Red pepper flakes (optional for some heat)

Steps to Making Your Pizza Sauce:

1. Start with the Base:
In a blender or food processor, pulse your canned tomatoes until they reach your desired consistency. Some like their sauce chunky, while others prefer it smooth. It’s all up to you!

2. Flavor with Garlic:
In a pan, heat a bit of olive oil over medium heat. Add finely chopped or minced garlic. Let the garlic cook until it’s fragrant but not browned, which usually takes around 1-2 minutes.

3. Combine and Simmer:
Pour your blended tomatoes into the pan with the garlic. Stir in your herbs, salt, and a touch of sugar if you’re using it. The sugar can help balance the acidity of the tomatoes. If you’re adding red pepper flakes for some kick, now’s the time.

4. Let it Cook:
Reduce the heat to low and let the sauce simmer for about 20-30 minutes. This cooking time allows all the flavors to meld together and also thickens the sauce.

5. Taste and Adjust:
After simmering, give your sauce a taste. Adjust the seasonings if needed. Remember, the sauce will be the base flavor for your pizza, so make sure it’s tasty!

Storing Your Sauce:
If you’ve made a big batch, or you have leftovers, you can store the sauce in the fridge for up to a week. If you want to keep it longer, consider freezing it in small portions. That way, you can thaw just what you need for your next pizza night.

Other Sauce Ideas:
While the traditional tomato sauce is a classic, there are other options to explore:

  • Pesto: Made from basil, pine nuts, garlic, olive oil, and Parmesan cheese, pesto adds a fresh and herby touch to your pizza.
  • White Sauce: Also known as béchamel, this creamy sauce can be a base for toppings like chicken, spinach, or mushrooms.
  • Olive Tapenade: A blend of olives, capers, and olive oil can give your pizza a Mediterranean twist.

Key Takeaways for Perfect Sauce:

  • Quality Matters: Good quality canned tomatoes can make a noticeable difference in your sauce. Look for brands that have minimal additives.
  • Fresh Herbs: If you have access to fresh herbs like basil or oregano, consider adding them for an extra burst of flavor.
  • Less is More: When spreading sauce on your pizza, a thin layer is usually enough. Too much sauce can make your pizza soggy.

Topping Selection and Preparation

Once you’ve got your dough rolled out and sauce spread on, it’s time to get to the most exciting part of pizza-making: the toppings! Toppings can make or break a pizza, and with so many options out there, the possibilities are nearly endless.

1. Cheese Choices:
Cheese is often the first topping people think of when making pizza. Mozzarella is a favorite due to its creamy texture and meltability. However, other cheeses can add a unique twist:

  • Cheddar: Offers a sharp taste, especially good with barbecue chicken pizzas.
  • Feta: Crumbly and salty, it pairs well with olives and tomatoes.
  • Gorgonzola: A type of blue cheese that can give your pizza a tangy kick, great with pear or fig.

2. Meaty Delights:
If you’re a carnivore at heart, adding some meat to your pizza can be satisfying:

  • Pepperoni: A pizza classic, these spicy slices add a bit of heat.
  • Sausage: Crumbled or sliced, sausage is flavorful and filling.
  • Bacon: Crispy bacon bits can add a smoky flavor.
  • Ham: Thin slices work well, especially when paired with pineapple for a Hawaiian touch.

3. Veggie Varieties:
For those who love a burst of freshness, veggies are a must:

  • Bell Peppers: They add color and a sweet crunch.
  • Mushrooms: For an earthy flavor, fresh mushrooms can be thinly sliced.
  • Onions: Whether you like them red, white, or green, onions add a zesty touch.
  • Olives: Black or green, olives give a salty bite.
  • Tomatoes: Fresh slices or sun-dried, tomatoes are a juicy addition.

4. Something Special:
These toppings might not be for everyone, but they can make your pizza stand out:

  • Pineapple: A topic of debate, but those who love it swear by its sweet and tangy taste.
  • Anchovies: Salty and with a strong flavor, anchovies can be an acquired taste.
  • Spinach: Fresh or sautéed, spinach can give a green touch.
  • Eggs: Break an egg in the center of your pizza before baking for a unique twist.

5. Herbs and Drizzles:
After baking, consider adding fresh herbs or a drizzle:

  • Basil: Fresh leaves can elevate a margherita pizza.
  • Arugula: Toss it on for a peppery kick.
  • Hot Honey: A mix of sweet and heat, drizzling some on can be delightful.

Tips for Preparing Toppings:

  • Wash and Dry: Ensure veggies are clean and dry to avoid a soggy pizza.
  • Uniform Size: Cutting ingredients in uniform sizes ensures even cooking.
  • Less is More: It’s tempting to load up on toppings, but too many can make your crust soggy or result in uneven baking. A few well-chosen toppings can often be more effective than a mountain of ingredients.

Storing Leftover Toppings:
If you’ve prepped more toppings than you need, store them in airtight containers in the fridge. They can be used in salads, omelets, or for your next pizza-making session.

Assembling the Pizza

Creating a homemade pizza is an art, and assembling it is the fun part where you get to see your masterpiece come together. From spreading the sauce to layering toppings and selecting the right cheese, each step is crucial to achieving that perfect slice.

1. Spreading the Sauce:
The sauce sets the tone for your pizza, acting as a flavor foundation.

  • Start in the Middle: Pour a scoop of sauce in the center of your rolled-out dough.
  • Spread Outwards: Using the back of a spoon or a ladle, spread the sauce in a spiral motion, moving from the center outwards. Ensure you leave a small border around the edge for the crust.
  • Evenness is Key: You want a consistent layer of sauce, not too thick or too thin. An uneven spread could result in some bites being too saucy and others too dry.

2. Layering Toppings Effectively:
Toppings are the stars of the show, but there’s an art to layering them.

  • Heavier First: Begin with heavier toppings like meat or mushrooms. They need more direct heat from the oven to cook properly.
  • Then the Veggies: Veggies like bell peppers, onions, or olives come next. They’re lighter and can cook even if partially covered.
  • Watch the Quantity: It’s tempting to load up, but too many toppings can weigh down your pizza, making it soggy or causing it to cook unevenly. Strike a balance for the best results.

3. Cheese: Types and Spreading Techniques:
Cheese can make or break a pizza. It adds texture, flavor, and that delightful meltiness we all love.

  • Choose Your Cheese: Mozzarella is the go-to for many, but there are plenty of options. Cheddar, feta, gouda, or even blue cheese can add unique flavors.
  • Grating Matters: If you’re using a block of cheese, grating it ensures even melting. Use the larger holes on a box grater for best results.
  • Spread Evenly: Start by sprinkling a light layer of cheese over the sauce. Then, add your toppings, and finish with another layer of cheese on top. This layering technique helps bind the toppings to the pizza.
  • Mind the Edges: Keep cheese a little away from the edges. When it melts, you don’t want it to spill over and cause a mess in your oven.

Tips for a Well-Assembled Pizza:

  • Sauce-to-Crust Ratio: Ensure you don’t spread sauce right to the edge. Leaving a small border allows the crust to rise and become golden.
  • Color and Texture: Aim for a mix of colors and textures with your toppings. It not only looks appetizing but also gives each bite a mix of flavors.
  • Less is Often More: It’s easy to go overboard with toppings, but sometimes simplicity wins. A classic Margherita with just tomatoes, cheese, and basil can be just as satisfying as a pizza loaded with toppings.

Baking the Perfect Pizza

The moment has arrived: turning your assembled pizza into a mouthwatering masterpiece. Baking might seem straightforward, but some handy techniques can ensure your pizza comes out of the oven just right.

1. Preheat the Oven:
Before you even think about sliding your pizza in, make sure your oven is hot and ready. Most pizzas bake well at temperatures between 450 to 500 degrees Fahrenheit (230 to 260 degrees Celsius). If you’re using a pizza stone or baking steel, place it in the oven during the preheating phase.

2. Consider the Baking Surface:
Different surfaces can affect how your pizza bakes:

  • Baking Sheet: Great for beginners and doesn’t require any special equipment. However, it might not give you the crispiest crust.
  • Pizza Stone: Retains heat and can help achieve a crispier bottom crust. Ensure it’s hot before placing your pizza on it.
  • Pizza Steel: Even better at retaining heat than a stone, it can give you a pizzeria-like crust at home.
  • Cast Iron Pan: For a deep-dish or pan pizza, cast iron can be your best friend.

3. Baking Time:
The baking time can vary based on your oven’s temperature, the thickness of your crust, and the number of toppings. On average, a pizza takes about 10-15 minutes. But instead of strictly timing it, look for signs:

  • Crust: Should be golden brown and slightly crispy when tapped.
  • Cheese: Melted and bubbly, with some golden spots.

4. Rotate for Even Baking:
All ovens have hot spots. Halfway through baking, rotate your pizza 180 degrees to ensure even cooking.

5. Monitor Your Toppings:
While the crust is vital, keep an eye on your toppings. If you see them starting to overcook or char, you might want to lower the oven’s temperature or move the pizza to a lower rack.

6. Finishing Touches After Baking:
Once out of the oven, some pizzas benefit from final touches:

  • Olive Oil: A light drizzle can add richness.
  • Fresh Herbs: Sprinkle fresh basil or parsley for added flavor and color.
  • Grated Parmesan: For an extra layer of cheesy goodness.
  • Red Pepper Flakes: For those who like a little heat.

Tips for the Best Baking Results:

  • Use a Pizza Peel: If using a stone or steel, a pizza peel can help you slide the pizza onto the hot surface without any mishaps.
  • Avoid Opening the Oven Too Often: Every time you open the oven, you let out heat. Trust the process and only check when necessary.
  • Cool Before Cutting: It might be tempting to dive right in, but letting your pizza cool for a few minutes will make it easier to slice and let the flavors meld.

Storing and Reheating Leftovers:
If you’re lucky enough to have leftovers, store them in airtight containers in the fridge. For reheating, avoid the microwave. Instead, heat them in a skillet or oven to retain the crust’s crispiness.

Serving and Storing

Once your pizza is baked to perfection, the anticipation builds. But wait! Before diving in, there are a few final steps to ensure your pizza experience is top-notch from the first slice to any leftovers the next day.

1. Slicing Techniques:
Cutting your pizza might seem straightforward, but the way you slice can impact how it’s enjoyed.

  • Use the Right Tool: A pizza cutter wheel is ideal for most pizzas. Ensure it’s sharp for a clean cut.
  • Cutting Strategy: Start from the middle and move outward. This ensures each slice has an even distribution of toppings.
  • Alternative Tools: If you don’t have a pizza cutter, a large, sharp chef’s knife can do the trick. Use a rocking motion to cut through the crust without displacing toppings.
  • Shapes Matter: While triangular slices are standard for round pizzas, if you have a rectangular pizza (like a Sicilian), go for rectangular or square slices.

2. Serving Suggestions:
Pizza is delightful on its own, but the right accompaniments can elevate the meal.

Side Dishes:

  • Salads: A fresh green salad with a light vinaigrette can balance the richness of the pizza.
  • Garlic Bread: For those who can’t get enough carbs, garlic bread is a flavorful addition.
  • Veggies Sticks: Crunchy carrot, celery, or bell pepper sticks can be a refreshing side, especially for kids.


  • Ranch Dressing: A favorite in many parts, especially for dipping those crust edges.
  • Marinara Sauce: If you love the pizza sauce, having a bit on the side for dipping can be delicious.
  • Hot Sauce: For those who like a kick, a dash of your favorite hot sauce can spice things up.
  • Garlic and Herb Dip: A creamy dip with flavors of garlic and herbs pairs well with most pizzas.

3. Tips for Storing and Reheating Leftovers:
If you’re lucky enough to have leftovers, here’s how to keep them tasty for round two.


  • Use Airtight Containers: If you have space, airtight containers prevent the pizza from absorbing other fridge odors.
  • Foil or Plastic Wrap: If short on space, wrap individual slices in aluminum foil or plastic wrap. Ensure they’re sealed well.
  • Time Matters: Try to consume refrigerated leftovers within 3-4 days for best flavor and safety.


  • Oven or Toaster Oven: Preheat to 375 degrees Fahrenheit (190 degrees Celsius) and bake for about 10 minutes or until cheese melts and the crust is crispy. This method retains the pizza’s original texture.
  • Stovetop: Using a non-stick skillet, reheat slices over medium heat. Cover with a lid for a few minutes to ensure even heating. This can make the crust even crispier than when first baked!
  • Avoid the Microwave: While quick, microwaves can make the crust soggy. If it’s your only option, placing a microwave-safe cup of water alongside the pizza can help retain some crispness.

Customizing Your Pizza

Pizza, in its essence, is a versatile dish. It’s a canvas waiting for your creativity to unfold, allowing you to tailor every slice to your unique preferences or needs. From catering to dietary restrictions to embracing seasonal and international flavors, let’s look into how you can make a pizza that’s truly your own.

1. Adapting for Dietary Restrictions:
Whether it’s by choice or necessity, dietary needs shouldn’t mean missing out on pizza joy.


  • The Crust: Today, several gluten-free pizza crust mixes are available in stores. Alternatively, you can make your own using a blend of gluten-free flours like rice, almond, or chickpea.
  • Check the Toppings: While most toppings are gluten-free, some processed meats or sauces might contain gluten. Always read labels or ask.


  • Cheese: Vegan cheeses made from almonds, cashews, or soy can give you the meltiness you crave. Some brands even offer flavors like mozzarella or cheddar.
  • Meat Alternatives: Vegetables like bell peppers, onions, and mushrooms are vegan-friendly. For a meaty texture, consider vegan protein sources like tofu, tempeh, or store-bought meat substitutes.
  • Sauces: Most tomato-based sauces are vegan. For a creamy base, a cashew-based sauce can be delightful.
  • Other Allergens: Always be cautious with ingredients if you or your guests have food allergies. For instance, some people may need a dairy-free or nut-free pizza.

2. Seasonal Pizza Ideas:
Embracing seasonal ingredients ensures freshness and supports local farmers.

  • Spring: Fresh greens like spinach or arugula, with cherry tomatoes and asparagus, can be a refreshing choice. A sprinkle of lemon zest before serving can elevate the flavors.
  • Summer: Think colorful bell peppers, zucchini, and sweet corn. Fresh herbs like basil or cilantro can add a burst of flavor.
  • Fall: Roasted pumpkin or butternut squash paired with sage or rosemary offers a cozy feel. Caramelized onions or sautéed mushrooms can complement these flavors.
  • Winter: Heartier toppings like roasted Brussels sprouts, kale, or winter radishes can be excellent. You can also sprinkle some chili flakes for warmth.

3. Incorporating International Flavors:
Expand your pizza horizons by drawing inspiration from global cuisines.

  • Mexican-Inspired: Start with a tomato and chili base, followed by toppings like black beans, corn, jalapeños, and avocado. Finish with a drizzle of lime and a sprinkle of fresh cilantro.
  • Mediterranean Twist: A base of olive tapenade or hummus can be unique. Toppings like olives, feta cheese, cherry tomatoes, and artichokes capture the Mediterranean essence.
  • Asian Fusion: Consider a hoisin or teriyaki sauce base. Toppings might include sautéed bok choy, tofu, green onions, and sesame seeds. A dash of sriracha can add some heat.
  • Indian Flavors: A mild curry sauce as a base can be delightful. Toppings like spiced cauliflower, paneer (Indian cheese), and cilantro can evoke Indian tastes.

FAQs: Common Pizza-Making Questions and Challenges

Making pizza at home can be a delightful experience, but it’s not uncommon to encounter a few bumps along the way. Whether you’re a beginner or have made pizzas a dozen times, questions can arise. Let’s address some of these common queries and challenges to help ensure your pizza-making journey is smooth and enjoyable.

1. Why is my pizza dough not rising?

Several factors can impact the rise of your dough:

  • Yeast: Ensure your yeast is active and not expired. If you’re uncertain, you can test it by dissolving a bit in warm water with a pinch of sugar. If it bubbles up in 10 minutes, it’s good to go.
  • Water Temperature: Too hot or too cold water can affect yeast activity. Aim for lukewarm water, similar to a baby’s bath temperature.
  • Environment: Dough loves a warm environment to rise. If your kitchen is cold, place your covered dough bowl in a turned-off oven with the oven light on.

2. My pizza base is too soggy. How can I prevent this?

A soggy base can be disappointing. Here are a few tricks:

  • Pre-Bake the Crust: Before adding toppings, bake your rolled-out dough for a few minutes. This can create a barrier to prevent the sauce from making it soggy.
  • Sauce Thickness: If your sauce is too watery, it can seep into the crust. Ensure your sauce is thick and spread it evenly.
  • Topping Moisture: Wet toppings like fresh tomatoes or certain veggies release moisture. Consider sautéing them briefly before adding or using them in moderation.

3. How can I get a crispy crust?

Crispy crust lovers, rejoice! Here are some tips:

  • Hot Oven: Ensure your oven is preheated to the recommended temperature.
  • Pizza Stone: If you have one, a pizza stone can work wonders. It evenly distributes heat, giving you a crispy bottom.
  • Thin Crust: Roll your dough thinner. The thicker the base, the softer it tends to be.

4. Can I make pizza dough in advance?

Absolutely! Pizza dough can be made a day or two in advance.

  • Refrigerate: After kneading, place your dough in a bowl, cover it with cling film, and let it rise in the fridge. When you’re ready to use, take it out, let it come to room temperature, and then roll out.
  • Freeze: For longer storage, you can freeze pizza dough. Once it’s risen, divide it into portions, wrap tightly in cling film, and freeze. Thaw in the fridge overnight when ready to use.

5. What’s the best cheese for pizza?

While mozzarella is a favorite for its meltiness, other cheeses can add unique flavors.

  • Cheddar: Adds a sharp taste.
  • Provolone: Offers a mild, tangy flavor.
  • Feta: Crumbly and salty, perfect for Mediterranean-inspired pizzas.
  • Mix and Match: Don’t be afraid to combine cheeses for a more complex flavor profile.

6. How can I make a healthier pizza?

Pizza can be nutritious too!

  • Whole Wheat Dough: Swap out all or half of the white flour for whole wheat for added fiber.
  • Veggies Galore: Load up on veggies like bell peppers, spinach, and mushrooms for vitamins and minerals.
  • Lean Proteins: Consider toppings like grilled chicken, turkey, or tofu for protein without too much fat.

7. My pizza toppings are undercooked, but the crust is done. Why?

This can happen if toppings are too chunky or if the oven temperature is too high. Thinly slice toppings, and consider lowering the oven temperature and baking a bit longer.

Mia Varte
Mia Varte

Mia is an engineer by profession, a mother by choice and an animal lover without choice. She volunteers at animal shelters in her free time and is a strong activist of PETA.

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